VAN BUILD - How we Attached Solar Panels to our Van

One of the first challenges we came across on our van build was the lack of roof rack options available for the size of van that we have, this made mounting our solar panels a bit more complicated than we anticipated. Normally we would have mounted our solar panels directly to the roof rack system and be done with it, but not having roof racks ruled that out.

When we purchased our solar panels the thin “stick-on” type of solar panels were still very expensive and had a lower power output, so we opted for the more powerful full frame rigid style. As the roof of the van is curved, we had to get creative with how we would attach the panels to the roof.

Enter #vanlife hack:

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  • First we cleaned the underside of the solar panel frame, the aluminium box tube and the vans roof with wax and grease remover.

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  • We then used a high-temp, UV-stable polyurethane adhesive to attach some aluminium box tube (purchased from Bunnings) to the underside of the panel frame.

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  • Once the adhesive had dried and the aluminium box tube was stuck to the bottom of the solar panel frame, we used the same polyurethane adhesive to stick the the whole lot directly on to the roof.

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Once the panels were in place we used some long cam buckle straps to keep pressure on the panels while the adhesive dried.

And voila!

So far this little hack job has worked a treat and we’ve never had to worry that the panels will go flying off when we’re cruising down the highway.

That’s a win right there!


  • As with many things, preparation is key, clean all the surfaces you’re working with.

  • Use a UV stable adhesive.

  • Keep pressure on until the adhesive is set.

  • Trial fit the panels before you start gluing.

  • Make sure your cables at in the right spot before gluing.